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Life expectancy 300+years, max height 20m+, spread 15-20m, fast growing tree.

The hornbeam tree derived its name from two English words “horn” which means strong wood or timber and “beam” which is the name for a tree in old English language.

Hornbeam leaves were historically used to heal wounds and halt bleeding, whilst a tonic made from the tree was used to treat tiredness and exhaustion.  These days hornbeam is used in flower remedies to help with concentration and mild depression as well as tiredness at the thought of doing something.

The Romans used hornbeam to make their chariots because of the strength of the wood.  The wood was also used to make gears and pegs for waterwheels and windmills   Hornbeam encourages us to be confident, strong and able to flex our muscles physically and intellectually, supporting us to break free from any self-imposed mind-trap that is preventing us from chasing our dreams.  The phase “Chasing Windmills” reminds us to believe in our dreams and to chase after them with confidence and an open heart.

Hornbeam is monoecious, meaning male and female catkins are found on the same tree.  After pollination by wind, female catkins develop into papery, green winged fruits, known as samaras.

The hornbeam will keep its leaves all year round, providing shelter, roosting, nesting and foraging opportunities for birds and small mammals.  Hornbeam is the food plant for caterpillars of several moth species, including the nut tree tussock.  Finches and tits along with small mammals eat the seeds in autumn.   


Hornbeam (Common)

  • Photos are for example only. Size, trunk,  height and habitat will vary.  All trees supplied are between 1.75 and 2.75m (not precise height.)  Please feel free to contact us to discuss.   

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